

TEL. 03-6323-8627

〒173-0013 東京都板橋区氷川町27番3-602号 コスモ大山氷川町

在留資格取得許可申請在留資格取得許可申請「Residence status acquisition permission application」

Within 30 days from on the day when the person who is going to reside in this country more than 60 days from the day when the reason concerned occurred in the foreigners whom this country input will reside in left Japan nationality or the day when you produced the birth or other reasons concerned, you must do the acquisition application of the residence status for the Minister of Justice without passing through a landing continuance by the person who left Japanese nationality or birth or other reasons.

 When a child is born in Japan

It is birth registration within 14 days from a birth day
It is input residence status acquisition permission application for less than 30 days from a birth day
I limit 60 days from the day when the reason concerned occurred and can reside in this country without having a residence status sequentially.

The foreigner who is going to apply for the acquisition of the residence status submits one application by the separate paragraph 36th style
2  旅券の提示
The presentation of the passport

When I cannot show a passport, I submit one document which listed the reason
Photograph 1 leaf
4  以下の該当する者の区分により、それぞれ書類1通を提出
One document is submitted each by the division of the following applicable people

The person who left Japanese nationality: The documents which prove nationality

The person who was born: The documents which prove that I was born

A person except the above: The documents which prove the reason
5  前記日本の国籍を離脱した者が、以下に掲げる場合には、写真の提出は不要。ただし、地方入国管理局長が提出を要するとした場合は、この限りではない。
 When the person who left the above Japanese nationality raises below it, the presentation of the photograph is unnecessary. But it is not this limit when it is said that a local immigration chief of the bureau needs presentation.

a.Person less than 16 years old


b.The person who hopes to receive residence periods less than three months

c.Person in hope of the acquisition of the residence status of the short stay


d.Person in hope of the acquisition of the diplomatic or public residence status

e.I hope for the designation of any of the following activity as the activity that the Minister of Justice appoints about an individual foreigner in people in hope of the acquisition of the residence status of the specific activity in particular


. Activity as the member of the family belonging to the household where is the same as an office of this country of the East Asia-related association of Formosa or the staff concerned

. Activity as the member of the family belonging to the household where is the same as the staff of the Palestinian representative list part to Japan or the staff concerned

 Relief and administrative scrivener SOKEN legal affairs service of the trust take the residence status acquisition permission application.



東京都板橋区氷川町27番3-602号 コスモ大山氷川町

TEL 03-6323-8627
FAX 03-3962-3686