

TEL. 03-6323-8627

〒173-0013 東京都板橋区氷川町27番3-602号 コスモ大山氷川町

就労資格証明書交付申請就労資格証明書交付申請「Working qualification grant application」

 When there was application from the activity foreigner as the member of the family residing in this country, I can issue a document proving an activity to run the business with the income that the person can perform by a place to establish in legal affairs departmental order or an activity to receive a reward.


 When a foreigner hoped for the convenience of employers and foreign both sides, the Immigration Control Law decided to be able to issue the working qualification which showed the working activity that the person could perform concretely.


 I change my job, and it is desirable to receive the grant of the working qualification at time with the time by an expiration day during a residence period.

 A working activity comes to the foreigner in fact if I have the permission of residence status and the qualification outside activity that can set to work not a thing that the foreigner cannot work on working when I do not receive the grant. In this regard, it is desirable to do the grant application of "the working qualification" when I have time by an expiration day of the residence period when I change my job. In fact the residence status to have is because I was given it on a premise to set to work in the company before the change of job. As it is examined whether you correspond to the residence status which in fact the activity in the company after the change of job has at the time of the update of the residence period when I do not receive the grant of "the residence qualification" during a change of job, time may suffer from examination unlike the update (case without a change of job) during the simple residence period.

 I explain below the grant application of "the working qualification".

 1 申請書 1通 One application
 2  以下に掲げる書類の提示 The presentation of documents to raise below

・中長期在留者 ⇒ 旅券及び在留カード
・Medium-and-long term
resident ⇒ A passport and residence card
・特別永住者 ⇒ 特別永住者カード
Special permanent resident special permanent resident card
・その他 ⇒ 旅券又は在留資格証明書
Other passports or residence status certificate

When I meet a person receiving the grant of "the activity authorization out of the qualification", I show "the qualification outside activity authorization" concerned

 Relief and administrative scrivener SOKEN legal affairs service of the trust take the grant application of the working qualification.



東京都板橋区氷川町27番3-602号 コスモ大山氷川町

TEL 03-6323-8627
FAX 03-3962-3686