

TEL. 03-6323-8627

〒173-0013 東京都板橋区氷川町27番3-602号 コスモ大山氷川町

永住許可申請書永住許可申請書「Permanent residence permission application」

 The person in hope of the change of the residence status of the permanent resident must apply to the Minister of Justice for permanent residence permission by a procedure to determine in legal affairs departmental order.


 I can allow the applicant only when I admit that I adapt to the following items and permanent residence unites profit of Japan.


@The conduct being good.


AHave enough assets or a skill if you run independent living.

When it is a person receiving permanent residence permission, the spouse of the special permanent resident or a child, I do not need the item mentioned above.

 The procedures of the permanent residence permission application are as follows.

申請書 Application
写真 Photograph
As for the person less than 16 years old, unnecessary (but I need it when it is said that a local immigration chief of the bureau needs presentation)
3 以下の書類及びその他参考となる資料
The following documents and the document which serves as other references

@The documents which prove that the conduct is good

AThe assets which are enough if I run independent living or the documents which prove that there is a skill


BBirth and parentage warranty of the guarantor living in this country

 【永住許可に関するガイドライン(令和元年5月31日改定)Guidelines (May 31, 2019 revision) about the permanent residence permission

1 法律上の要件 Legal requirements

  The conduct being good
 Running life without what observe a law, and is criticized as inhabitants in the everyday life socially.

 Have enough assets or a skill if you run independent living
 Stable life being anticipated judging from the assets to have or a skill in the future without burdening the community in the everyday life.

 Being admitted that the permanent residence of the person unites profit of Japan

ア 原則として引き続き10年以上本邦に在留していること。ただし,この期間のうち,就労資格(在留資格「技能実習」及び「特定技能1号」を除く。)又は居住資格をもって引き続き5年以上在留していることを要する。
As a general rule, residing in this country sequentially more than ten years. But, in these periods, I need what I reside in with a working qualification (I remove residence status "skill training" and "a specific skill 1 issue".) or the residence qualification sequentially more than five years.

イ 罰金刑や懲役刑などを受けていないこと。公的義務(納税,公的年金及び公的医療保険の保険料の納付並びに出入国管理及び難民認定法に定める届出等の義務)を適正に履行していること。
Do not get fine punishment or penal servitude. Carrying out public duty (the payment of the tax payment, a public pension and the premium of the public medical insurance and duty such as reports to fix for Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law) appropriately.

ウ 現に有している在留資格について,出入国管理及び難民認定法施行規則別表第2に規定されている最長の在留期間をもって在留していること。
In fact, residing in the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law enforcement regulations separate table second about a residence status having with the prescribed longest residence period.

エ 公衆衛生上の観点から有害となるおそれがないこと。
There not being fear becoming harmful from the viewpoint of public sanitation top.

※ ただし,日本人,永住者又は特別永住者の配偶者又は子である場合には,(1)及び(2)に適合することを要しない。また,難民の認定を受けている者の場合には,(2)に適合することを要しない。
 But I do not need that I meet (1) and (2) when it is the spouse of a Japanese, a permanent resident or the special permanent resident or a child. In addition, in the case of a person receiving the authorization of refugees, I do not need that I meet (2).

2 原則10年在留に関する特例 Exception about the principle ten years residence

The marriage life with the substance continues in the case of the spouse of a Japanese, a permanent resident and the special permanent resident more than three years and residing in this country sequentially more than one year. Continuing, and residing in this country in the case of true my woman more than one year

Continuing in the residence status of "the permanent resident" more than five years, and residing in this country

Continuing after the authorization more than five years, and residing in this country in the case of the person who received the authorization of refugees

Residing in this country in people admitted that there is contribution to our country in the fields such as diplomacy, society, economy, the culture more than five years

Continuing it in the case of the person that I am active, and it is admitted that there is contribution to our country by the activity concerned corresponding to either of matter (1990 Ministry of Justice notification No. 131) No. 36 to establish an activity to raise to the undermentioned column of 5 tables of the law separate table first based on a rule of Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law Article 7 Paragraph 1 No. 2 in the official and personal engine located in the area of the plan stated clearly in the local revival plan authorized based on area reproduction process (2005 law No. 24) Article 5 Paragraph 16 or No. 37 more than three years, and residing in this country

It is the person who has higher than 70 points in a departmental order (say "a high specialist job departmental order" as follows.) to establish the standard of the undermentioned column of the clause of the high specialist job of 2 tables of Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law separate table first when I calculate a point to prescribe and corresponds to any of the following
ア  「高度人材外国人」として3年以上継続して本邦に在留していること。
 Continuing as "a high human resources foreigner" more than three years, and residing in this country.
イ  3年以上継続して本邦に在留している者で,永住許可申請日から3年前の時点を基準として高度専門職省令に規定するポイント計算を行った場合に70点以上の点数を有していたことが認められること。
 Being admitted that I am based on a point in time of three years ago in the people who continue more than three years, and reside in this country from a permanent residence permission application day and had scores more than 70 points in an altitude specialist job departmental order when I calculate a point to prescribe.

The point prescribed in a high specialist job departmental order is the person who has 80 points or more when I calculate and corresponds to any of the following
ア  「高度人材外国人」として1年以上継続して本邦に在留していること。
 Continuing as "a high human resources foreigner" more than one year, and residing in this country.
イ  1年以上継続して本邦に在留している者で,永住許可申請日から1年前の時点を基準として高度専門職省令に規定するポイント計算を行った場合に80点以上の点数を有していたことが認められること。
 Being admitted that I am based on a point in time of one year ago in the people who continue more than one year, and reside in this country from a permanent residence permission application day and had scores more than 80 points in an altitude specialist job departmental order when I calculate a point to prescribe.

(note 1) When I have "three years" about these guidelines for the time being during the residence period, I decide to handle it as a thing "residing with the longest residence period" of above 1(3) .

(note 2) The person who it is admitted that I have scores more than 70 points as a result of point calculation with "a high human resources foreigner" of above 2(6) , and resides corresponds, and the person who it is admitted that I have scores more than 80 points as a result of point calculation with "an altitude human resources foreigner" of above 2(7) , and resides corresponds.

Relief and administrative scrivener SOKEN legal affairs service of the trust take the permanent residence permission application.



東京都板橋区氷川町27番3-602号 コスモ大山氷川町

TEL 03-6323-8627
FAX 03-3962-3686